Monday, March 9, 2015

Handle & Haydn excel

As part of their bicentennial season, H&H are finishing with three of the greatest oratorios in the canon. This past weekend was Medelssohn's Elijah. This lenthy (over 2 hours plus intermission) piece requires a strong Elijah, and in Andrew Foster-Williams they found a winner. His strong and melodious bass-baritone voice was supplemented by enough acting talent to let his face express the feelings of the prophet. Equally strong was sopranno Sarah Coburn, beautiful in her gold lame gown and with a voice that carried through Symphony Hall. The other principals, including 7th grader Gabreil Haddad, while not as magnificent were more than adequate for their lesser roles. And what can one say about the H+H chorus? Most of the chorus members are accomplished singers in their own right, and under returning guest conductor Grant Llewellyn they provided music that varied from plaintive to soaring. The orchestra obviously plays a subsidiary role to the voices but was wonderful in its own, and the use of the organ added the right biblical feel. Still coming up are Bach's St Matthew Passion and Hayd's The Creation. I urge you not to miss them!

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