Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Acting Tour de Force at New Rep

The current performance in the New Rep's Black Box small theatre is The Amish Project, a one-woman play exploring the horrific events at Nickel Mines, PA, where 5 Amish school girls were shot by the local postman after he ordered the teachers and the male students out, and then shot himself. Danielle Kellerman plays seven different characters, using facial expressions, mannerisms and voice to morph from an innocent schoolgirl to a pregnant Hispanic teenager to the wife of the shooter with barely a pause. That she was able to mostly succeed in this is a testimony to a wonderful actress. Unfortunately, the play itself is less than stellar. While the material is powerful and emotional, the flow is often confusing, and many audience members left wondering what they had seen. While the pregnant 16 year old was fully fleshed in, and perhaps the most distinct character in the play, it was not at all clear why she was even in it. The author used a visiting male academic as a sort of narrator, appearing as a student of and friend to the Amish who could explain their way of life. The motivation of the shooter was less than clear. The distraught wife of the shooter had the largest part and brought the most raw emotion to the play. Ms kellermannn deserves better material to showcase her talent.

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