Sunday, September 20, 2015

NBSO opens its Centenary Season

100 and counting! The New Bedford Symphony Orchestra kicked off its centennial season with a pre-concert party and free birthday cake in the street before the concert. Indoors was an even better feast. The lead-off was Berlioz’s Le Corsair overture, a Pops favorite with rousing melody and a crashing brass finale. Then came the Sibelius Violin Concerto, the only such work composed by the Finnish national hero. Unlike many violin concertos, the Sibelius clearly separates violin from orchestra, with each operating sequentially for most of the piece rather than together. This requires a strong soloist, and Martin Chalifour fulfilled the role admirably. As is typical for the NBSO, Mr. Chalifour is not a “rock star” soloist, but a first tier player with numerous appearances with major orchestras. He received a well-deserved standing ovation. After intermission we heard perhaps the best known and recognized symphony not called Beethoven’s Fifth: Antonin Dvorak’s 9th Symphony “From the New World.” This was perfectly played and reflected the maturation of the NBSO to a truly first class orchestra. A fine kick-off to the season. Join the NBSO for the rest.

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