Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Kinky Boots- a Message with Pizzazz

If you are at all a fan of Harvey Fierstein (Hairspray, Cage aux Folles), you must see Kinky Boots. The story line of this musical smash is simple. Charlie Price does not want to take over the family shoe factory but is forced into it by his father’s sudden death. He soon finds that cheap imports have ruined the business and is on the verge of having to shut the factory. He is inspired by an adoring employee to find a niche instead of giving in, and runs across Lola, an exuberant transvestite, who in turn convinces him to design glamorous boots sturdy enough for the heavier frames of male cross dressers. Lola shows a flare for design and joins the firm, to the disgruntlement of the macho male employees. In the end everyone learns to accept people as who they are and they take the Milan shoe show by storm. The music, by Cyndi Lauper, is in turns heartwarming and over the top and the dance numbers by Lola’s “Angels” and the rest of the cast are show stoppers. The touring cast was uniformly excellent in voice and stage presence. The band, perhaps a bit too loud at times, was excellent otherwise. The audience got quickly caught up in the action and gave the cast a standing O. An enjoyable evening in the theatre.

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