Wednesday, April 29, 2015

New Rep season ends with a thud

The final play of the 2014-15 New Rep season was to be The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore, starring Olympia Dukakis. Unfortunately, Ms Dukakis pulled out many months ago, due to "a family commitment." (Perhaps she and Tom Brady have a common family?). Instead of replacing her, the theatre changed horses completely and subsituted a world premiere of a new play by Ronan Noone, an Irish immigrant who attended Boston University and now teaches at the Walnut Hill School. The play is "Scenes from an Adultery," and stars Ciaran Crawford, Peter Stray and Leda Uberbacher. The plot as it is involves a married couple, Tony and Lisa, (Stray and Uberbacher) and their long-time friend Gasper (Crawford), a bachelor who plays the field. Never seen are another couple, who are having marital difficulties due to the husband's one-night stands. Should they get involved? Should they stay out of it? WHO CARES! Gasper is sure that he caught the wife also having an affair. Should they tell the husband? Should they stay out? The lack of serious plot development is covered up by lots of swearing and over-emoting, mostly by Tony. To show his true friendship to Gasper, Tony reveals that he had an almost-affair while away on a business trip which he stopped before consumation because of his conscience. Gasper, of course, tells Lisa about this, leading to another marriage falling apart. The denoument involves a modest surprise which I will not reveal lest you are set on seeing the play. The actors are generally good and the set is attractive but the material is weak. Don't waste an evening.

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